MA²ThE-TE-AMO Project Home Page

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European Commission - Comenius

European Commission - Education and Culture

Project Details

MAking MAThEmatics TEAchers MObile

129543-CP-1-2006-1 -IT-COMENIUS-C21


Project span

Project Coordinator

CAFRE Centro di Ateneo di Formazione e Ricerca Educativa
Università di Pisa

Contact person


Project Partners

(AT) Universität Wien

(CZ) Univerzita Karlova v Praze

(DK) University College Lillebælt, Skårup Seminarium

(FR) Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de l'Académie de Créteil

Participating Schools
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French participating school and Mathematics topics

SchoolMathematical topicsTextbooks

Collège du Parc

Collège du Parc

«Collège du parc» is a lower secondary school in Sucy en Brie.
Sucy en Brie is a town in the subdivision 94 (Val-de-Marne) nearby Créteil, with 25000 inhabitants. Main of these inhabitants is in upper or middle class.

Webpage :

610 pupils

division Number of pupils
6ème (11 years old) 147
5ème (12 years old) 166
4ème (13 years old) 144
3ème (14 years old) 153

One class with rugby option since year of “5ème”.

Subjects Number of teachers
Music 2
Biology 3
English 5
Fine arts 1
French and Latin and Ancient Greek 9
German 1
History and geography and civics 5
Mathematics 6
Physics 2
Spanish 2
Sportive education 6
Technology 3

There are also 1 documentalist and 7 education assistants.

At the end of year of “3ème

84,5% of pupils succeed school leaving certificate: general exam taken at fifteen (GCSE).
75% of pupils move up to “lycée” , fifth form.
18% of pupils move up to vocational school.
4% of pupils repeat their year.
3% of pupils go to apprenticeship (CFA).

Mathematical topics
in the period September - November 2008

5ème (12 years old)

Chapter 1: Numerical works
  1. Knowledge and use of the following words: sum, difference, product, quotient, terms, factors, numerator and denominator.
  2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two decimal numbers.
  3. Order of size of a result.
  4. Knowledge and use of operating priorities in numerical examples like:
  5. Knowledge and use of operation properties.
  6. To state and use distributive law in order to develop or factorize numerical expressions:
  7. Solving a problem by writing and calculating an expression.
Chapter 2: Point symmetry (rotation of 180° about the point)
  1. Definition of a symmetrical point to another point.
  2. Construction of a symmetrical point to another point.
  3. Construction of usual geometrical figures by point symmetry (straight line, segment, circle...).
  4. Statement and use of point symmetry properties.
  5. To recognize the symmetry centre of a geometrical figure and to construct centre.
  6. To complete a geometrical figure in order to get a symmetry centre.
Chapter 3: Algebraic expressions
  1. Reduction of a multiplication; for instance: a×3 = 3a.
  2. Knowledge and use of operating properties in algebraic expressions.
  3. Knowledge and use of distributive law in order to develop or factorize algebraic expressions.
  4. Use of algebraic expressions to make numerical calculus.
  5. Equality test between two algebraic expressions by using numbers.
  6. Solving equations like: x+a=b and x-a=b.
Chapter 4: Angles, Parallelogram
  1. Knowledge and use of the expressions: adjacent angles, complementary angles, supplementary angles, vertically opposite angles, alternate and interior angles, corresponding angles.
  2. Statement and use of properties of angles made by two parallel lines which are cut by a secant.
  3. Prove that two lines are parallel by using equality between alternate and interior angles or corresponding angles.
  4. Showing equal angles in a figure and justifying.
  5. Connection of symmetry point properties to parallelogram.
  6. Statement and use of properties of a parallelogram.
  7. Construction of a parallelogram telling which properties are used.
  8. To prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.


FR_Fractions.pdf Click here to see the French textbook excerpts on Fractions.

FR_Pythagoras.pdf Click here to see the French textbook excerpts on Pythagora's Theorem.


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This project has been carried out with the support of the European Commission within the framework of the Socrates Programme - Comenius 2.1 Action.
Information expressed in the website reflects the views only of the MA²ThE-TE-AMO project partnership.
The European Commission cannot be responsible for any use which may be made of the information.