Danish Project Partner
University College Lillebælt, Skårup Seminarium
People - Institution
Project team

Birgith LOTZFELDT - contact person -
University College Lillebælt, Skårup Seminarium Skårup Kirkebakke 4 DK-5881 Skårup Denmark
email: Birgith.Lotzfeldt@sydfynsem.dk tel.: (+45) 6318 4200 fax: (+45) 6318 4201 |

Annette JÄPELT
University College Lillebælt, Skårup Seminarium Skårup Kirkebakke 4 DK-5881 Skårup Denmark
email: annette.japelt@sydfynsem.dk tel.: (+45) 6318 4200 fax: (+45) 6318 4201 |
University College Lillebælt, Skårup SeminariumSkaarup College of Education has educated teachers for Danish primary and lower secondary schools since 1803. (Oldest teacher training institution in Denmark). The college offers courses aiming at B.Ed. degrees, in-service courses for primary and lower secondary school teachers and Diploma courses. In all subjects there is a main emphasis on the didactics of the subject. Since 2008 the college also educates social pedagogues. The college has been involved in COMENIUS, TEMPUS, LINGUA, ERASMUS and NORDPLUS projects and exchange programmes and has a longstanding cooperation with universities in UK, HU and SK. The contact person is the international coordinator of the college and has extensive experiences in all above mentioned programmes. She was a consultant on the education of teachers of English for the Danish Ministry of Education. Skaarup College of Education offers distance learning in the field of teacher education in mathematics (among other subjects).
Institution web site